essential oils

How my journey began

white and purple flower plant on brown wooden surface
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Where and how did I start with Oils?

I seem to have developed an addiction to oils.  Is there an oil for that? — {UNKNOWN}

In my mad search for ways to assist my now 10-year-old with his struggles, pre his ADHD diagnosis, I would spend countless hours googling…

Terms like…

Behavior issues. Emotional Meltdowns. Negative thoughts.  My son melts down at school…

the list was endless.

I was also looking for ways to support my Dad with parkinson’s which lead me to Frankincense (more on that later, Frank deserves a whole post)

Along the way, I would discover oils.  This led me to several MLM companies, and this just wasn’t my bag as I don’t do hard sells (remember… anxiety).  But I kept coming back to the purity and the quality of doTERRA (and this will get it’s own post too soon). And so after a workshop that was in a clinic NOT someone’s home (which I loved and felt less pressure because of), I realized I could enter the game on my terms. No hard selling!!  And I could spread the word to those who want the same experience. I know you’re out there :). I’m happy to be your guide and support but to read your signals about when and how.

I know there are people who want in on oils but don’t want to hold ‘parties’ even if they are actually called ‘classes’.  People who want to try vetiver (or something similar) for it’s grounding properties and support for ADHD (check the research) but don’t want to commit long term (I can order for you), people who don’t want to feel like they are drinking the Kool-Aid of the latest town gimmick or feel excluded from the girl gang of the other sellers… I know because this has been me and I refuse to believe I’m alone in it all. People who want to buy and sell online or without constant fake ‘check ins’ till they’re worn down. I’m here for you.

So, if you are keen on learning more, or starting an oily journey, let me know.  I can help… no pressure, seriously!  Oils are one of the 4 game changers for my wellbeing.  They support my classroom and my students love them.  My kids voluntarily fill their diffusers each night and apply oils before school.  And all in all, we smell great with no toxins.

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